We click, because we clicked

It’s been a long day without you, my friend.
And I’ll tell you all about it when I see you again.

Seriously though, it’s been way too long since I wrote something. Which is why I didn’t hesitate to go check out the very first poetry slam event I heard about. No better inspiration than raw emotions set right in front your eyes, right?

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Magic is Might

Straight off the bat let me just apologize to my readers for such a huge gap between my last post and this one. It’s been a busy time at the home front.

So, since we’re all so cyber-active I’m guessing you’ve all been exposed to the Ice Bucket Challenge, The 10 books challenge, The do things-online-which-may-or-may-not-make-a-difference challenge. I just want to say that although some of these are absolutely brilliant ideas, the others, not so much. I condemn the act of foolishly following in the steps of whatever is the current trend just because of it being a trend.

Now getting on with something less intense, let’s leave all our mundane problems in a small cupboard under the stairs and ride off on a journey to reminisce about a story, a life really, that has probably affected a lot of us. Or maybe it’s just been another novel series we enjoyed thoroughly.  Witty, charming, electrifying. These are just some qualities that the penmanship of J.K Rowling displays. And I’m still talking about her writing in general (read, Casual Vacancy & The Cuckoo’s Calling)

When years ago, I picked up a small hardbound book that my brother owned, I didn’t realize what an amazing piece of literary fiction magic I was holding in my hands. Honestly, I didn’t know about the Harry Potter series till then. Even as I read the book, I did not know that there were other parts to this marvelous tale. And guess what? I wasn’t even reading chronologically!  I had in my hands the third installment of the wizard’s story. And I was hooked. Despite having no background on the characters. This is the power of the written word. It compels you to force your imagination to work in overdrive, to let those creative juices flow and form a land where you are the master of all actions. Imagine my excitement when my brother told me there were more! 😛

It’s been a few years now, since our wait for another Potter novel has ended. The excitement to grab a copy of the newest installment.  To travel again to Hogwarts, despite our Muggle disposition and imagine ourselves as one of the many, sitting in the Great Hall and enjoying a year at the place which can always be called home. Continue reading